AI for Enterprises. Part 2: Metrics for Matriculates? [Extended version]

The recent wave of new opportunities to transform enterprise productivity, innovation and success leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) as part of digital transformation is driven by the tremendous advances in our ability to collect, operate on and extract knowledge from extremely large volumes of data. If not used with adequate care and caution this rapidly evolving opportunity currently comes with catastrophic implications for the enterprise that will be hard to course correct by throwing resources at.

In the first of this two part post on adoption of artificial intelligence in enterprises 'AI for Enterprises. Part 1: Where are we in tackling the popular adage GIGO?' posted in the MassTLC website and the extended version at ReSurfX website, we dealt with various aspects of data quality effects on digital transformation in the context of the popular adage garbage-in-garbage-out (GIGO). In this second installment (Part 2) of this post ‘AI for Enterprises: Metrics for Matriculates?’ also posted in the MassTLC website the theme centers on the power and pitfalls in the use of metrics from and for AI and machine learning (ML) based solutions. This is an extended form of the second part of the post and includes a powerful use case in the healthcare sector using ReSurfX solutions and the enterprise SaaS product ReSurfX::vysen. I highlight common problems in use of metrics and possible solutions that span beyond technical aspects to include enterprise architecture, culture and education appropriate to different organizational divisions and roles in leveraging these multi-disciplinary advances.


AI for Enterprises. Part 1: Where are we in tackling the popular adage GIGO? [Extended version]

The recent AI wave driven by tremendous ability to utilize data helps gain more knowledge from data, make valuable predictions, create novel applications (e.g., driverless cars) and improve nearly all sectors of business as well as our everyday life. This great stride is brought about by a confluence of progress in IT, and other technologies that enable generation and or collection of data, storage, handling and compute with concomitant attempts to improve sophisticated approaches to process data. In this post we explore the status of our ability to tackle the popular adage “Garbage In, Garbage Out (GIGO)” to maximize the opportunities and enable progress. This is the first of a two-part post on adopting AI at scale.  Centered on the theme of GIGO, we will also explore early successes of (true and pseudo) AI-based solutions, implications for subsequent progress, preparing businesses for reaping value from these solutions and setting appropriate strategies for digital and AI transformation. We take this opportunity to highlight advantages of the approach the outcomes intelligence company ReSurfX is taking with excellent success.

This is a longer version of the post with same title at Massachusetts Technology Leadership Council (MassTLC) - published on June 20, 2022 that was also spotlighted in MassTLC Newsletter of June 22, 2022.


BREAKTHROUGH levels of false positive reduction: what does it mean for your innovation and ROI

In two recently released analysis we demonstrated a never before achieved reduction of false positives by use of our product ReSurfX::vysen on a data that has been extensively studied to develop numerous analytic technologies. That data is from large-scale gene expression technology analysis – Read on.. don’t let that field of application sway your interest. This never before possible level of accuracy was made possible by a breakthrough data-source agnostic 'Adaptive Hypersurface Technology' (AHT) that ReSurfX is leveraging in data-analytics and continuing to develop. Here, we discuss the state-of-the-art in data-analytics, current thoughts and problems (from popular media and authoritative source). What does it mean for your innovation and ROI?


Unprecedented value of ReSurfX::vysen produced “ZERO” in Sequencing & Microarray data: a case of Goose & Gander?

How can ZERO get a great ROI for your enterprise and improve your innovation potential? Big Data brings more opportunities and errors into your workflow. Robust accuracy and automatable knowledge extraction are keys to successfully leveraging this digital transformation.

Recently we showed how a ZERO from the ReSurfX::vysen product should yield a great ROI and improve innovation for your enterprise using an extensive analysis of sequencing (RNASeq). Here we repeat that excercise with Microarray data and show that the UNPRECEDENTED VALUE OBTAINED FOR RNAseq DATA IS REPLICATED to this platform as well. This is of incredible importance, given the data-source agnostic property of Adaptive Hypersurface Technology (AHT).

Recently we released a new version of our analytics product ReSurfX::vysen 2.0 – showcasing the power of our Adaptive Hypersurface Technology (AHT)™ using RNAseq and Microarray based gene expression analysis.

As we had done previously with sequencing quality control consortium (SEQC) benchmark data (RNAseq), here we carried out a similar analysis using microarray quality control consortium (MAQC) data from two sites that had each carried out analysis on the same two tissue samples with 5 replicates each. We AGAIN found that ReSurfX:: vysen:

  •        Identified ‘ZERO’ false positive differentially expressed gene from about 10 million calls IN 180 (EVERY within-sample 3-replicate) COMPARISON EACH INVOLVING 54,675 GENES, proving remarkable false positive control.
  •        Is incredibly MORE SENSITIVE AND REPRODUCIBLE THAN ANY OTHER ANALYTICS APPROACH comparing ALL POSSIBLE between-sample THREE-REPLICATE COMBINATIONS from each of the two sites. For this purpose vysen was used in over 11 million calls for differentially expressed genes across 200 comparisons.

The strength of these results from vysen are AGAIN unprecedented with enormous impact for analytics and outcomes highlighting the versatility of the data-source agnostic AHT technology despite very different raw data properties of Microarray and RNAseq data. Here we share the details of this unprecedented accuracy.


ReSurfX:: vysen Demonstrates Incredible Power of ‘ZERO’ on Outcomes, Innovation and ROI!

How can a ZERO from an analytics product get a great ROI and improve innovation for your enterprise?

Recently we released a new version of our analytics product ReSurfX::vysen 2.0 – initially showcasing the power of our Adaptive Hypersurface Technology (AHT)™ using RNAseq and Microarray based gene expression analysis.

Here we prove the power of vysen using unprecedented results with enormous impact for analytics and outcomes. This forms one basis for  vysen being the most accurate product in the market.

We analyzed sequencing quality control consortium (SEQC) benchmark data from two sites (Mayo Clinic and Beijing Genomics Institute) that had each carried out sequencing (RNAseq) analysis on two different tissue samples with 5 replicates each. We found that ReSurfX::vysen :

  • Identified ‘ZERO’ false positive differentially expressed gene from over 10 million calls IN 180 (EVERY within-sample 3-replicate) COMPARISONS  EACH INVOLVING 58,051 GENES, proving remarkable false positive control.
  • Is incredibly MORE SENSITIVE AND REPRODUCIBLE THAN ANY OTHER APPROACH through direct comparison, as well as comparing ALL POSSIBLE between-sample THREE-REPLICATE COMBINATIONS. This involved 200 vysen comparisons of 58,051 genes in over 11 million DEG calls.